BACH Joseph Nico­las – Dossier composé par Claude Herold

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FPN 06741 E = Panzer­gre­na­dier Regi­ment 9  1.Btl.


Préci­sion de Matteo d’An­gella :

Fiocche is around Eboli, but the batta­lion seems around Batti­pa­glia, too far and in German lines.
Or may be inclu­ded in an attack force (but I have no docu­ments, he is 1st Batta­lion, the 2nd was in line against Ameri­cans) and killed ?

Sur cette photo, trois Alsa­­ciens, que j’ai­­me­­rais pouvoir iden­­ti­­fier, renseignent un offi­­cier allié : « Inter­­ro­­ga­­tion of three priso­­ners reveals that they are twenty years old French spea­­king Alsa­­tians, who declare to have been draf­­ted under threat of perse­­cu­­tion of their fami­­lies. They promptly coope­­rate with the inter­­­ro­­ga­­tor, an Intel­­li­­gence Offi­­cer of the Cold­s­tream Guards, provi­­ding infor­­ma­­tions about German posi­­tions ». Les trois Alsa­­ciens appar­­te­­naient au 2e Bataillon du 29e Grena­­dier Regi­­ment de la 3e Panzer­­gre­­na­­dier Divi­­sion. La photo est extraite du livre d’An­­gelo Pesce, Salerno 1943. Opera­­tion Avalanche p.377.

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